Blancco Enterprise Erase E800
An industrial-grade server solution designed for high volume data erasure usage.
Blancco Enterprise Erase E800 is an industrial-grade server solution designed for high volume data erasure usage. The E800 can be configured to handle any type of hard drive, including SAS, SATA, IDE, Fiber Channel and SCSI.
The Blancco Enterprise Erase E800 is easy to use. The operator simply inserts the drive(s) to be erased into the bay(s). The system recognizes the drives and bay numbers which then appear in the software GUI. The operator selects the drive(s) and hits the “Erase” button to begin erasure.

Key Benefits
- Configurable: Erase any type of hard drive
- Customized to your needs: Erase multiple types of drives in the same appliance
- Hot swap ready: Designed to increase your erasure throughput
- Digital bay numbering: Easily recognize where the drives are physically connected
- Fully operational system: You supply only a mouse, keyboard and monitor
- Ease of use: Software options built around your business process
- Digitally signed erasure reports: Automatically generated and stored in the system; can be exported to external database or into cloud storage
- Powered off a standard wall outlet: No additional power requirements