Blancco Enterprise E2400
An industrial-grade server solution designed for high volume data erasure usage.
Enterprise Erase 2400 is an industrial solution designed for fast, high-volume erasure of loose SAS/SATA/SSD hard drives. The E2400 is a turn-key setup complete with data erasure software and hardware and customizable reporting capabilities.

Key Benefits
- High volume: Enables data erasure on up to 24 SAS/SATA/SSD hard drives at a time
- Ease of use: Processes hard drives right out of the box with minimal set-up time
- High speed: Performs at top processing speeds of 3+ GB/min per drive, depending on drive specs
- Drive health check: Leverages S.M.A.R.T. attributes to categorize or grade drives based on power-on hours or how many bad sectors
- Fully operational system: You supply only a mouse, keyboard and monitor
- Digitally signed erasure reports: Automatically generated and stored in the system; can be exported to external database or into cloud storage; compliant to R2, NAID, ADISA and e-Steward audit standards
- Powered off a standard wall outlet: No additional power requirements